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Analyst on Zambia Data-to-Deal Engagement

CCG is seeking to engage an external consultant/analyst to work on its Zambia Data-to-Deal Engagement. The deadline for applications is 14 August 2024.

Project Context

CCG is a major FCDO UK AID-funded research and evidence programme. CCG aims to accelerate the roll-out of improved infrastructure that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increases inclusive economic growth in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It supports countries to carry out rigorous analysis on factors relating to clean energy transitions and develop associated investment plans to facilitate the mobilisation of finance. CCG’s members include some of the UK’s leading universities and experts engaged on applied research in this field, including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial and others.

Zambia is one of several CCG Partner Countries where the programme has been active for longer, working alongside local stakeholders to support energy transition. Zambia has recently established a Climate Finance Unit in the Ministry of Finance and is looking to develop a financing strategy and roadmap to implement the recently adopted Integrated Resource Plan for the energy sector. CCG will provide technical support and capacity building activities to support this process.


The objective of this consultancy is to provide sustained support to counterparts in the Ministry of Finance for the development of a financing strategy to support the implementation of Zambia’s Integrated Resource Plan. They will be using elements of the Data-to-Deal approach. You can find out more about this here.


The consultant will undertake the following activities.

  1. Provide capacity building workshops to transfer skills in the use of relevant financial tools (notably, MinFin, FinPlan) to local stakeholders.
  2. Liaise with local stakeholders to collect relevant data on which to base the financial analysis.
  3. Support local stakeholders in developing a locally owned and calibrated MinFin model for Zambia.
  4. Support local stakeholders in developing locally owned and calibrated FinPlan models of critical energy investment projects.
  5. Support local stakeholders in identifying alternative sources of climate finance for the Integrated Resource Plan and matching sources to projects.
  6. Support local stakeholders in preparing documentation to support the mobilisation of finance for critical energy investment projects.

Exact deliverables will be agreed with the consultant.

Work format

The work will be supervised by Dr Vivien Foster of Imperial College London.

The work is expected to involve at least one extended stay in Zambia to allow for intensive interaction with stakeholders. When in the UK, the work will be London-based, although a certain amount of hybrid working is permissible.

The main deliverables under this contract will be co-created with local counterparts: MinFin model for Zambia; FinPlan models for critical Zambian energy investment projects; a financing roadmap for the Integrated Resource Plan.

Period of work and project budget

The project will run between 2 September 2024 and 31 March 2025 and the consultant will work up to 120 days during this period. The estimated daily rate is £140-185 per day.  Daily rate will be determined based on the length of the relevant experience and technical expertise of the selected consultant. The contractor will be subcontracted by Loughborough University.


The ideal candidate will hold an MSc in a sustainability-related discipline and experience in the relevant field.

Expressions of interest

•            A CV clearly outlining you suitability for this position and previous relevant experience

•            A support statement outlining your suitability for this position

Please forward your CV and support statement to Ms Mansi Yadav on

All applications will be reviewed by CCG teams at Loughborogh University and Imperial College.

Application deadline: 14 August 2024