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Meet our Advisory Group

Members of the CCG Advisory Group with FCDO colleagues. L-R Youba Sokona, Lily Ryan-Collins (FCDO), Anthony Kamara, Maruxa Cardama, Will Blyth (FCDO), Samantha Stratton-Short, Ambuj Sagar, Mark Howells (CCG Director), Alfie Alsop (FCDO)

The CCG Advisory Group consists of experts in their field who are able to provide practical guidance and support on different aspects of our work. We are very grateful for the time they contribute to supporting us, particularly when they are able to join us in person at one of our General Meetings.

Izabella Teixeira

Izabella Mônica Vieira Teixeira specialised in Environmental Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Environmental Licensing in her university education and her focus on the Advisory Group will mainly be Critical Minerals. She served as Brazil’s Minister of the Environment from 2010 to 2016 and as Deputy Minister from 2008 to 2010 where she achieved the lowest historical deforestation rates in the Amazon. Izabella has led the Brazilian Delegation in major UN climate conferences and was a key leader at the 2012 UN Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. She has been recognized globally, receiving the United Nations Environment Programme’s Champions of the Earth award for Policy Leadership in 2013.

Xi Liang

Professor of Sustainable Construction and Infrastructure Transition at the UCL Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction UK. Xi has a particular interest in CCG’s work with Data-to-Deal

Maruxa Cardama

Secretary General SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport.

Maruxa is based in Belgium and has a particular interest in Sustainable Transport

Kandeh Yumkella

Former UN Under-Secretary-General | Special Representative of the Secretary-General and CEO

Based in Sierra Leone, Kandeh has a special interest in Communications.

Sheila Watson

Deputy Director, Environment and Research, FIA Foundation

Sheila is an economist, with many years of experience as a researcher, advisor and consultant. She is currently Deputy Director of the FIA Foundation, a UK-based lobal charity which specialises in safe and sustainable mobility. For CCG she has a particular interest in engagement

Ambuj Sagar

Simon Sharpe

Fatima Denton

Youba Sakona

Geoffrey Morgan

Gabriel Elizondo Azuela

World Bank, USA

Gabriel has a particular interest in impact.