Special Issue Journals

CCG has contributed to the commissioning, editing, or content of a number of Special Issue journals. This page provides a list of those.
July 2023: Renewables integration into reliable, secure and sustainable electricity systems in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
“This special issue on “Renewables integration into reliable, secure and sustainable electricity systems” presents a collection of valuable scientific articles, particularly focused on electricity systems of low- and middle-income countries. The important characteristic of all the papers in the collection is a systemic approach that uses quantitative modelling or more qualitative research methods. The papers that use quantitative models integrate technological issues in high-level and wide-ranging scenarios, which consistently analyse the different dimensions of the problem in the various countries. Other papers use new qualitative data from surveys or interviews to examine the socio-economic benefits or consequences of extensive renewables integration.”
Journal articles contained
- Evaluating floating photovoltaics (FPVs) potential in providing clean energy and supporting agricultural growth in Vietnam [Link]
- Generation expansion planning with a renewable energy target and interconnection option: A case study of the Sulawesi region, Indonesia [Link]
- Role of the energy-carbon-economy nexus and CO2 abatement cost in supporting energy policy analysis: A multi-scenario analysis of the Java-Bali system [Link]
- Renewable Energy in Morocco: Assessing resource curse risks [Link]
July 2023: Place-Based Decarbonisation in Transport Policy
Journal articles contained
- Framework for planning of EV charging infrastructure: Where should cities start? [Link]
- Exploring the freight transportation transitions for mitigation and development pathways of India [Link]
- Putting the foot down: Accelerating EV uptake in Kyrgyzstan [Link]
- Techno-economic comparison of centralized and distributed power generation to support large-scale transport electrification in Costa Rica [Link]
- Useful energy is a meaningful approach to building the decarbonization: A case of study of the Ecuadorian transport sector [Link]
- Additive linear modelling and genetic algorithm based electric vehicle outlook and policy formulation for decarbonizing the future transport sector of Bangladesh [Link]
- Electrifying public transit benefits public finances in small island developing states [Link]
Dec 2022: Energy Systems Modelling for Planning in Africa and Small Island Countries in Energy Strategy Reviews
Journal articles contained
- Transport sector decarbonisation in the Global South: A systematic literature review [Link]
- Optimum predictive modelling for a sustainable power supply mix: A case of the Nigerian power system [Link]
- Minigrid integration planning (MGIP) for loss reduction and voltage profile improvement beyond energy access in developing countries [Link]
- A GIS approach to electrification planning in Cameroon [Link]
- Achieving universal electricity access in line with SDG7: An application of OnSSET for rural electrification planning in Nigeria [Link]
- Long-term electricity supply modelling in the context of developing countries: The OSeMOSYS-LEAP soft-linking approach for Ethiopia [Link]
- Phasing-out of coal from the energy system in Mauritius [Link]
- Power quality daily predictions in smart off-grids using differential, deep and statistics machine learning models processing NWP-data [Link]
- An Wavelet analysis of connectedness between volatility of the energy and other markets during the COVID-19 crisis [Link]
- Sustainability of power generation for developing economies: A systematic review of power sources mix [Link]
- Energy storage sizing for virtual inertia contribution based on ROCOF and local frequency dynamics [Link]
- Assessment of the impact of road transport policies on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Kenya [Link]
- Baseline scenario modelling for low emissions development in Ethiopia’s energy sector [Link]
- Holistic MILP-based approach for rural electrification planning [Link]
- Increasing spatial and temporal resolution in energy system optimisation model – The case of Kenya [Link]
- Adapting the European typology approach for building stock energy assessment (TABULA) concept for the developing world: The Nigerian case study [Link]
Dec 2022: Regional collaboration to achieve climate compatible growth, including international electricity grids in Energy Strategy Reviews
“Climate measures in the energy sector present significant interlinkages with the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly goals related to energy access (SDG7), end of poverty (SDG1), economic growth (SDG5) and sustainable consumptions and consumptions (SDG12). The potential for synergies tends to be relatively larger than for trade-offs, but these interlinkages depend on specific context, scale, and policy design. While the literature has devoted some attention to explore the benefits of regional cooperation to foster climate actions in the energy sector, there is a knowledge gap related to specific context related aspects that influence the effectiveness and magnitude of these actions. The Special Issue aims to assess the role of regional cooperation in climate mitigation investments and policies.”
Journal articles contained
- Material requirements for future low-carbon electricity projections in Africa [Link]
- Green transformation in the iron and steel industry in India: Rethinking patterns of innovation [Link]
- Making use of the complementarity of hydropower and variable renewable energy in Latin America: A probabilistic analysis [Link]
2022 Feb: Financing the low carbon transition, including shifting away from coal-fired power in Energy Strategy Reviews.
“The consumption of coal is likely to continue in the future if policy interventions are not made, posing a severe threat to climate change. In order to tackle the local air pollution and contribute to the Paris Agreement, it is of utmost importance to replace coal by clean energy sources. There is an urgent need to make a sustainable transformation towards renewable energy technologies. The purpose of this Special Issue is to publish research articles related to how can we shift away from coal-fired power through financing the low carbon transition.”
Journal articles contained:
- Bank climate actions and their implications for the coal power sector [Link]
- Assessing the energy system impacts of Morocco’s nationally determined contribution and low-emission pathways [Link]
- Assessing enhanced NDC and climate compatible development pathways for India [Link]
2021 Dec: The political economy of energy system transitions from a Global South perspective in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition.
“The paper in this special issue explore the challenges of energy system transitions in the Global South through a political economy lens. There has been an increasing focus on the political economy of these transitions in energy research, and the need to integrate fairness and justice into policy and societal responses.”
Journal article contained:
- Equitable energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reducing inequity by building capacity [Link]