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Development of front-end visualisation for Pathcalc analytical workflow: independent consultant needed.

Project description

The FCDO-funded Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme is seeking the services of a front-end software developer to deliver a customisable interactive visualisation dashboard (herein referred to as a dashboard) to enable stakeholders to build scenarios for net-zero transport and energy pathways using outputs from the CCG Data-to-Deal (D2D) analytical workflow. Specifically, this project will support the CCG / Asian Development Bank (ADB) partnership on low-carbon transport pathways for developing member countries (DMCs).

For an example of a previously built interactive dashboard using similar data structures and showing similar plots, see the Kenya Carbon Emissions Reduction Tool (KCERT). For an example of a previously built interactive dashboard that is usable by end-users and configurable by administrators via a set of configuration files, see the TEAM-Kenya interactive dashboard. Re-use of the source code in such open-source interfaces would be preferable, as it would reduce the time to implementation.

For examples of the data structures to be used in this application (output from the D2D workflow), see here

Project objectives

The objective of the project is to:

Develop a dashboard that will allow:

  • end users to interact with output results of a set of Data-to-Deal (D2D) model runs, thus building their own pathways to net-zero, and
  • administrators to configure the dashboard in changing what results it will display via an administration dashboard.

Project activities

The project activities will be as follows:

·       Requirements capture from the administrators (the CCG team). The CCG team will provide
data in the exact form as provided from the output of D2D model runs.

·       Visualisation dashboard design based on the requirements

·       Software design to produce the visualisation dashboard

·       Testing to ensure it fits the requirements as above

·       Release of the dashboard

Project deliverables

The deliverables from this project are as follows:

·  A customisable user dashboard that, given data from a set of D2D model runs, will produce key results including the following data as a time series (with resolution of 1 year). The user dashboard will take input from the user in the form of varying levels of ambition levers that will change the data (populated from previous model runs) that is plotted.

a.  Vehicle stock by technology;

b. Energy consumption by fuel;

c.      Emissions by type;

d.   Total installed capacity by generation technology;

e.      Required capital investment;

f.       Any other parameter in the output data that the administrator must be able to configure themselves.

A customisable administrator dashboard that allows an administrator (here, a CCG researcher) to edit the variables plotted in the charts (all will remain time series plots of resolution 1 year) and the input levers that can be edited by the user.

A GitHub repository (hosted on the Climate Compatible Growth GitHub), or equivalent, containing all the source code and adequate documentation to the dashboard such that administrators can i) teach end-users how to use it and ii) edit the parameters it shows and how it shows them. Further explanation is provided in the Annex.

Resources and timelines

The consultant will complete this work remotely, using their own equipment and will be working with a team of academics and researchers from CCG partner institutions.  There will be regular progress update meetings (frequency to be agreed between CCG Team and the consultant).

CCG aims to complete this project within the period of a maximum of six weeks. CCG is keen to star this work as soon as possible and the exact start date will be agreed between the consultant and CCG team.

CCG is looking to complete this work within a period of approximately 6 weeks with immediate start.

Annex: Sketches of administrator and user dashboards

Expression of Interest:

            A CV clearly outlining suitability for this position and previous relevant experience

•            A 2-page (max) cover letter explaining your approach to this problem, and how you will develop the required dashboard within the project timeline (project plan), including your proposed start date (as soon as possible).

•            A budget for each stage the project, including the number of work-days required for project completion and your daily rate. Please note CCG is funded by UK Aid and follows its Value for Money framework, which builds on the current guidance provided by the UK Government.  It is anticipated that consultancy rate is accordingly adjusted (below commercial rates).

Please send the following items via email to Perislava Williams, CCG Programme Manager on by 17 July 2024.

The successful applicant will be subcontracted by Loughborough University.