CCG in Lao PDR

The Lao PDR CCG Network began in October 2021 as CCG’s second partner country network, with the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Laos leading as the institutional partner in the county. Through the Lao PDR country network, the CCG programme collaborates with key policy makers in Lao PDR, including planners from the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, along with leading domestic researchers from Lao academic institutions.
In Lao PDR, we are working to empower the Government of Laos (GoL) to devise and implement inclusive, low-emission, resilient economic policy. To reach this goal, we are conducting a range of research and collaboration outputs, including co-creation workshops and capacity building events.
So far, the research papers we have produced for Lao PDR include:
Plugging into green growth: Towards e-mobility and renewable energy integration in Lao PDR which presents a study of how the barriers to, and enablers for, e-mobility and renewable energy integration in Lao PDR and the wider Southeast Asian region are viewed by different groups of stakeholders
Latest News – 4 Policy Briefs Published.

The Lao PDR CCG Network published four Policy Briefs in February. You can read them all here. Collectively, these briefs paint a nuanced picture of Laos’ energy transition. The country stands at a pivotal moment, with opportunities to transform its energy landscape through strategic investments in renewable infrastructure, EV adoption, and grid modernization. The analyses consistently emphasize the potential for solar and wind power to play a crucial role in meeting the country’s energy needs and export commitments.
The Lao PDR CCG Network Special Interest Groups
The Lao PDR CCG Network is made up of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which are populated by a group of country and CCG experts (academia, government, development banks, among others) that have a defined interest and/or expertise on a theme relevant to CCG research, and together, each SIG works collaboratively. The aim of a SIG is to catalyse a collaborative community of practice and identify areas of policy or innovation that could be bolstered by CCG resources and/or capacity.
The Lao PDR CCG Network currently contains three SIGs:

SIG 1: Energy Systems Modelling in Lao PDR
In 2022, CCG responded to a Rapid Response Facility (RRF) request from the Government of Laos for support in the development of a “Techno-Economic Pre-Feasibility Study for Renewable Firm Power”. CCG’s offer as an implementing partner within the project is to co-create a regional electricity model with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) using OSeMOSYS, alongside other open-source tools that may be required. Similarly, CCG is seeking to collaborate with NUOL to develop an “energy modelling unit” within the university.
SIG 2: Resource Efficiency in Industry in Lao PDR
This SIG aims to identify the resource efficiency opportunities in industries that can concurrently increase productivity, create jobs and reduce emissions. In turn, it seeks to identify the associated investment requirements to realise these opportunities and increase dialogues between financiers and industry actors accordingly.
SIG 3: Low-Emission transport
The Government of Lao PDR is increasingly looking towards electric vehicle roll-out as a response to the country’s growing reliance on fuel imports. Accordingly, this SIG aims to explore realistic and inclusive low-emission transport scenarios for Laos, taking into account the current and possible future pattern of mobility demands, the price and availability of different forms of transport, and the wider policy environment.
The Lao PDR CCG Team
Lao PDR-based:

Prof Khamphone Nanthavong

Dr Sounthisack Phommachanh
Ms Orlavanh Sonesouphap
UK-based (Centre for Global Equality and University of Cambridge):
Dr Beth Tennyson [profile]
Dr Kirsty Mackinlay [profile]
Dr Lara Allen [profile]
All research for Lao PDR can be found on the CCG Research Index here.

Newly produced in February 2025, the team have four Policy Briefs on different aspects of Lao PDR’s energy situation which you can read here.
Resource efficiency in Lao PDR industry: guidelines for a sustainable industrial development
Network Engagement
On 15-16 November 2022, CCG and NUOL researchers, accompanied by representatives from the Lao PDR Government’s Ministry of Energy and Mines (Department of Energy Policy and Planning, and the Department of Planning and Cooperation) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Department of Environment), convened for the NUOL CCG Multi-Faculty Workshop 2022. This event marked the first ever multi-faculty event hosted at NUOL.

The third Energy Systems Modelling for Lao PDR workshop took place in Vientiane, hosted by the CCG Laos Network’s coordinating institution, the National University of Laos (NUOL). The workshop was opened by then HMA John Pearson from the British Embassy in Lao PDR and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somchanh Bounphanmy, the Vice President of NUOL. During the week of the workshop, energy modellers from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, NUOL, EDL and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment developed an OSeMOSYS model for Lao PDR, using Laos-specific data.