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Meet the team

Dr Alex Money profile photo

Dr Alex Money

Investment Pipeline Lead

University of Oxford

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Alex leads the Investment Pipelines workstream, to support the mobilisation of investment to meet development priorities in the global south. A former fund manager, he has over 25 years of experience in finance, enterprise and academia. Concurrently, Alex is Founder in Residence at the University of Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, where he works with students and staff to support for-purpose entrepreneurship. He also teaches on various undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses within the department, and supervises a small number of doctoral students. Separate to his part-time university commitments, Alex runs Watermarq, an early stage firm working… [Read more]

Carla Cannone profile photo

Carla Cannone

Postgraduate Researcher

Loughborough University

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Carla is a postgraduate researcher in the Geography & Environment Department at Loughborough University. Her research focuses on energy modelling tools to support evidence-based policymaking. In 2021, she was the co-director of the “Summer School of Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development” organized virtually with ICTP Centre and other International Organizations. She holds a double-degree Master of Science from the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, as part of the EIT InnoEnergy Master School. Before starting her postgraduate studies, she obtained her Bachelor in Energy Engineering from the University of Bologna. During the… [Read more]

Dr Aruna Sivakumar profile photo

Dr Aruna Sivakumar


Imperial College london

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Aruna Sivakumar is a co-investigator at CCG. She is a senior lecturer in consumer behaviour and urban systems at the Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London. She is also director of the Urban Systems Lab at Imperial and leads several smart city and systems modelling initiatives. As PI, she has attracted funding worth over £2m over the last 7 years from national and international sources such as EPSRC, ESRC, Shell Inc in the UK, and SMRT Singapore. Over a career spanning 15+ years Aruna has published more than 40 peer reviewed journal papers, made over 100 conference presentations, and… [Read more]

Prof. Cameron Hepburn profile photo

Prof. Cameron Hepburn


University of Oxford

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Cameron Hepburn is an economist with expertise in energy, resources, and the environment. He is the Battcock Professor of Environmental Economics at the University of Oxford, based at the Smith School and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, and a Senior Research Fellow at New College, Oxford. He has published widely on energy, resources, and environmental challenges across a range of disciplines, including engineering, biology, philosophy, economics, public policy, and law, drawing on his degrees in law, engineering, and doctorate in economics. He has served in an editorial capacity for Environmental Research Letters, the European Economic Review,… [Read more]

Dr Ariane Millot profile photo

Dr Ariane Millot

CCG Research Associate

Imperial College London

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Ariane Millot is currently a Research Associate at Imperial College London, where she supports the Research Workstream 3 on System Design within the Climate Compatible Growth programme. She is also involved in projects related to Kenya and Zambia. Her research interests include energy system modelling and the economic and social impacts of the energy transition. She holds a PhD in energy modelling from Mines Paris – PSL, where she developed pathways for the French energy transition with a bottom-up optimization model (TIMES). She also worked at the International Energy Agency on the buildings sector for the World Energy Outlook, where… [Read more]

Dr James Dixon profile photo

Dr James Dixon

Decarbonizing Transport Co-Lead

University of Strathclyde

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James Dixon - co-lead, decarbonising transport Lecturer in Transport - University of Strathclyde James Dixon is lecturer in transport at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde. James' current research interests are in transport-energy-environment modelling to support policymaking for sustainable transport transitions in data-poor contexts, including in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and in advancing understanding of the potential for e-mobility and renewable energy integration in different contexts. He has also worked as a Civil Servant for UK and Scottish Governments on policy regarding low carbon electricity and transport systems. James is a chartered engineer with the… [Read more]

Dr Elizabeth Tennyson profile photo

Dr Elizabeth Tennyson

Country Programme Manager

Centre for Global Equality

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Dr Elizabeth (Beth) Tennyson is a senior research fellow University of Cambridge’s Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Department and Country Programme Manager at the Centre for Global Equality (CGE) for the Climate Compatible Growth research programme. Her primary role is to develop equitable partnerships and strategies with emerging economy countries (see Country Partnerships Section of this site) to accelerate their growth and uptake of low-carbon energy and transport solutions, such that the ecosystem left behind is sustained. [Read more]

Dr Alycia Leonard profile photo

Dr Alycia Leonard

Senior Research Associate in Energy Systems

University of Oxford

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Alycia is a Senior Research Associate in Energy Systems at the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the spatial design of sustainable and inclusive energy systems which account for both large-scale economic opportunities and local community needs. She uses mixed-method and multi-disciplinary approaches which combine data-driven spatial analysis and machine learning with nuanced consideration of policy context and stakeholder perspectives to investigate culturally, financially, and environmentally sustainable energy access solutions. Presently, Alycia works on the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG), Strategic Hydrogen Integration for Low-Carbon Development (SHIELD), and UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions… [Read more]
