Data-to-Deal (D2D)
Data-to-Deal is a framework pioneered in Costa Rica, which CCG has adopted to provide a wider framework for our core activities. D2D provides a series of actions to help countries unlock investment potential for the climate transition, and a means to analyse successful examples of this process. It encompasses seven key elements:
1. Politics: Garnering high-level support for decarbonisation and inclusive growth
2. Preparation: Establishing the foundations of institutional capacity
3. Vision: Aligning climate change objectives with broader development goals
4. Modelling: Conducting Deliberative quantification of scenarios
5. Consultation: Engaging inclusively across stakeholder groups
6. Operationalisation: Enhancing the policy and regulatory framework
7. Finance: Developing investment plans and financing strategies
The D2D pipeline provides a pathway of actions to assist countries that will be at different stages of their climate transition journey. This page provides resources that can help decision-makers learn more about the approach and find useful resources to kickstart their path to investment.
High-level summary
The D2D pipeline emerged as part of work done examining the success of Costa Rica in securing funding for its climate transition. In Costa Rica, a data-driven National Decarbonization Plan which had been co-designed with stakeholders, was launched in 2019. This was the country’s Long-Term Strategy (LTS), that defined a roadmap for a development path that would lead to both inclusive growth and decarbonisation.
The creation of the LTS drew upon public good tools such as open models, communities and principles, as well as capacity-building programmes, and cost as little as $200k in direct costs. As a result of this work, Costa Rica secured (as of the end of 2022) US$2.4 billion from international concessional finance sources.

Such work is imperative to ensure climate compatible growth pathways, in line with the Paris Agreement. In 2023, CCG, with members of the Costa Rica LTS team, co-authored a case study that looked at how a country such as Costa Rica can go from having a political vision, securing data, and building capacity all the way to securing the required investment to implement a decarbonisation strategy. This was the Data-to-Deal concept. D 2 D contains seven key elements (Politics, Preparation, Vision, Modelling, Consultation, Operationalisation, and Finance).
CCG is working to develop this approach and make more resources available to allow different countries with differing needs to adapt it according to their circumstances. We will continue to update this page with useful resources. There are case studies and general overviews of D2D currently available.
General Resources
For an in-depth overview of the D2D pipeline, see: Data-to-Deal (D2D): An Emerging and Effective Approach to Financing the Climate Transition
CCG is developing a new tool to complement the D2D Pipeline, known as MinFin. This will help identify climate finance gaps based on investment needs, the cost of finance, and sector cashflows. Read the CCG Policy Brief for more information: Data-to-Deal: How can Countries in the Global South Afford the Climate Transition?
Country Case Studies
The foundational D2D document and case study of how Costa Rica created a Long-Term Strategy document for $200k in direct costs, that helped it secure $2.4 billion of international concessional finance.

Data-to-Deal (D2D) in Chile: Mobilising Financial Resources Through a Long-Term Plan
Chile stands out for its legislative progress, having enacted a Climate Change Framework Law that codifies its climate commitments and strategies into law, showcasing the power of legal instruments in solidifying climate action.
The Dominican Republic’s experience highlights the energy sector’s critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing sector-specific strategies within the broader national Long-Term Strategy.
Data-to-Deal (D2D) in Uruguay: Mobilising Financial Resources Through a Long-Term Plan
Uruguay’s case is notable for its focus on achieving carbon dioxide neutrality by 2050 while safeguarding its crucial agricultural sector, demonstrating a tailored approach to balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability.