Dr Philipp Trotter
Economics and Policy Co-Lead
University of Oxford
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Philipp is a co-lead of the Economics and Policy research workstream in CCG, focusing on potential green high-impact economic opportunities for low-income countries (e.g. power-to-X, servitisation approaches, energy for productive use) as well as the business models and policy mixes to enable these opportunities. Philipp is a Marie Curie Fellow at the Chair of Operations Management at RWTH Aachen University, and an Honorary Research Associate at the School of Geography at Oxford. He has a decade of experience in the energy sector of emerging and industrialised economies, working for the University of Oxford as well as for McKinsey & Company and Ashoka International as a strategy consultant. Among others, he has consulted the Ugandan, Ghanaian, Zambian, Kenyan, UK and German governments, the European Union, IRENA, the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank as well as various different African private sector start-ups on issues relating to energy for sustainable development.