Francesco Gardumi
Principal Investigator
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Francesco is the KTH lead for our Sector Interaction work, focussing on CLEWs. His main expertise and interest lies in the model-based assessment of development pathways and strategies for the energy, water and land use sectors of developed and developing countries, at national and regional scale. Through his experience as Scientific Manager of the EC-funded REEEM project, member of the Scientific Committee of the energymodellingplatform.eu and participation in other European projects, he has worked in the development, application and linking of several multi-sectoral models for analysing the impacts of the EU decarbonisation transition.
He has particular interest in the use of open source modelling tools and stakeholder engagement toolkits for capacity building and knowledge transfer in integrated energy and resource use planning. He has delivered several training sessions in Europe, Asia and Africa in collaboration with UNDESA, UNDP, UNECA, GIZ and OPML, on behalf of the OpTIMUS community. His experience in the field started in 2015 as a code developer, modeller and later as a trainer and community manager within the osemosys.org community. He obtained his PhD in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology from Politecnico di Milano in 2016, with a thesis on 'A multi-dimensional approach to the modelling of power plant flexibility'.